March 24, 2013

One Girls Grocery Swag: Part 1- Why I like Cinnamon and Honey on EVERYTHING.

Alright.  Because you crazies asked for it.... here it is.  How do I make healthy snacks?  If you spend any time around me you know full well I love snacking.  I love the crunch, sweet, salty over and over and over. Here are a few favorites to start....

Apple Chips: I am the biggest fan of these, though it took me a few tries to get them right.  Typically on a Sunday afternoon I make a batch and just munch the whole week long. Its super easy- you can peel the apple skins off, but I leave them and just cut up the apples however its easiest making sure they are very thin pieces (I am not about presentation around here) then sprinkle cinnamon and bake at 300 for about 20 minutes.  If you want them super crispy, broil for about 5 minutes at the end of baking.  

No matter if you leave them out on the counter or in a air-sealed container they are good for over a week.  

Nutrition: Cinnamon helps a ton of things in our bodies (read more here) over all the iron, magnesium, calcium and so forth it also when added and cooked into a food, makes a natural food preservative preventing spoil- probably why the apples once baked last long and are fresh for days. 

On the cinnamon nutrition note- each night right before bed I drink a cup of hot water mixed with about a tea spoon of honey and a good dab of cinnamon.  Sounds gross, but it's not so bad and the health benefits are worth it.  Honey and cinnamon are one of the largest known natural cleansers- specifically to help the insides of coffee drinkers (hello, that's me!) Also, honey is a natural remedy for many ailments and boost the digestive system.  Honey also is good for cleansing skin and helps reduce the risk for pretty much every disease known to man. 

Wraps: Whether it's for breakfast or after a run I eat multiple combinations on the go or as a meal.  Typically I try and make my own corn or flour tortillas (again on a Sunday so they are ready for the week) if not Trader Joes sells packs of tortillas for about $1.00.  Just make sure and get ones that you can read all the ingredients on the package- should be simple like: flour, water and trace of lime.  

Tortillas are pretty good for you- better than bread and don't get soggy after a few hours if make prior to eating.  Tortillas also have complex carbs to fill you but not make you feel too full and will help avoid a huge blood sugar spike with a crash on the end.  Add in whatever you want, here are a few combinations I frequently throw together.... again, I add cinnamon and/or honey to most of these combos.  I promise, even honey/ cinnamon with avocado is good.   

1. Almond butter and strawberries
2. Eggs and cheese
3. Cucumber and carrots
4. Almond butter and raisens
5. Kale and Avacado
6. Peaches and almond butter

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