March 17, 2013

Grace enough.

Sometimes it is better to not speak up, and this might be one of those times but I feel like it has to be said.  Someone needs to validate what I hear girls everywhere discussing.

There comes this season in any relationship where it's make or break and sometimes two lives are far more entangled than others and it is hard.  Seasons come and seasons go.  Girls and boys fall in love and dream of happy ever after.

But, can I just say it for the other 5.999999999 billion people I hear talking. You are not crazy.  Trust me, I know this well and I am here saying it is better to have a broken heart and know you walked in obedience than continue onward in doubt. 

I am proud of the girls who break off relationships because they are not gospel glorifying.  I am glad for the ones who realize their hearts are idol and Jesus needs his throne back.  I love the moments when I see young, beautiful, intelligent and daring girls walk in obedience and believe they were created for more.

Jesus is just bigger than all of it.  Trust him. It's ok to do what is right and have a broken heart because of your actions.  Jesus never promised us happiness, just grace. 

There is grace enough for the mess.  There is grace enough to face the hurt that will come.  There is grace enough to find a new job, friends, life and so forth.  There is just grace in the seasons we don't understand. 

Grace is so good to us.  Grace enables us to do the hard things we know are right. 

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