March 25, 2013

One Girls Grocery Swag: Part 2- 6 Cookies at a Time

I love cookies.  Add girl scout cookies into the mix and it's just bad news.  I often hear girls say I just avoid sweets all together, and that is commendable but I can't.  I've recently started planning, cooking and prepping ahead.  It helps my weeks go much smoother and keeps me slightly sane.  So onto the cookie control....

Every Sunday I pick out a new recipe and bake only 6 cookies.  I make just the right amount of dough to make only the 6 cookies.  After they are cooked, I put them away and know that there is one cookie each day for after I run or attempt to get my workout on at the gym. 

No running = No cookie.  So yes, in many ways- I will run for cookies.  I am a big fan of any race that gives out cupcakes, chocolate or whatever at each mile marker. 

I know it sound so simple, but only making 6 cookies helps to avoid eating multiple cookies each day, but rather have the sweets just controlled.  And why only 6, because usually on Sunday's I eat pie at my parents house or other sweets at some event. 

Here's the recipe I made yesterday for this weeks set of 6 cookies- they're gluten and dairy free.

  • 1 cup peanut butter, (if you use natural PB, mix it well to incorporate the oil or you can use almond butter)
  • 1 cup sugar (I use all natural brown cane sugar)
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 egg -
  • ½ cup dairy/gluten-free chocolate chips (optional)
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

You are supposed to mix the peanut/ almond butter and sugar together and then add the eggs and vanilla after- but who has time for that?? I just throw it all in the bowl and mix well. 

Bake for about 10 to 12 minutes, time may vary depending on your oven and the size of your cookies. You want them to barely look done, but just starting to hold together.

Let them cool for about 5 minutes, until you can move the cookies without the them falling apart, then transfer to a wire rack or plate to cool completely.

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