February 14, 2013

Update: Malawi

Remember when I went to Africa???...... here's an update from my friend David on the progress.  Pretty sweet stuff!

"The building is halfway done! Check out the picture of it at “Window Level”. How crazy it is to be able to see this dream slowly become a tangible reality? So humbling and slightly overwhelming. Haha. We have been able to fully fund the construction of the first building. We still need a bit to fund a few things (like a well and the driveway) in order for it to be fully functional. Our hope is to have it built in April and fully functional in September." 

I love so so much that Jesus set it in David's heart to run in this journey of bringing justice and ending sex trafficking in Malawi long before the entire Passion End It Movement.  I love seeing millions of 20something year old students getting involved and fighting for the end of slavery.  I am glad to have had such a small part in one tiny corner of the world.  

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