February 13, 2013

A + B does not = C

A + B does not = C
The church taught me to fall in love with "the one"  The "one" that is coming and is going to fulfill all my dreams and make happiness in my life..... but I believe they taught me to fall in love and pursue the wrong "one".  

The "one" I thought I was waiting for all these years, the "one" I thought A+B would =C is not running around America sorting life out, flirting with the line of sin and distantly or conveniently pursuing me. 

My ONE, He never has left me and He never waivers.  My ONE is always faithful, always true to commitment and my ONE, he is a healer.  The one who equals all things life, joy, fullness and good is not going to be the product of and A+B's.  You see, the one who is promised to love me, already arrived.  That A+B=C I was taught so early on to run after, just doesn't line up like I thought. 

"There are a lot of girls out there who don’t know who God is anymore – the God of their youth group years just isn’t working out- their hearts have been broken and the A + B did not = C.  Back then, that God said to wait for sex until they are married, until He brings the right man along for a husband. They signed a card and put it on the altar and pledged to wait. And wait they did."  Waited because they were taught A+B would =C based on their actions.

I am so tired of hearing and reading book after book on how Good Actions + Loving Jesus= Smoking hot, perfect man who marries you.  I am so tired of hearing girls confused, hurt and broken by A+B not = C.  I am tired of hearing married women spat off scriptures slaughtered and messed by their own false beliefs of this wacked out = C doctrine. 

"Some have prayed their whole lives for a husband, and he hasn’t shown up. They’ve heard the advice to “be the woman God made you to be, focus on that, and then the husband will come.” They’ve read “Lady in Waiting,” gotten super involved in church and honed their domestic skills. And still they wait."

That A+B we fell so deeply in love with, it never brought C. 

Can I just hope that you will find the ONE?  Not, the "one" so early on you fell committed and in love to because that is the equation the church taught you.  It's no fault of your own.  I just want to hope and rest in the fact this Valentines that the ONE is a great healer who unties the lies and false belief that A+B always = C.  

I want to sleep soundly knowing that my ONE, He is bigger than any A+B=C equation or ideas I was taught.  I just know the ONE, his kingdom is too good to abandon to ensure the A+B=C I was taught to love so long ago.  

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