January 21, 2013

Get these words all up in your mouth

Here- read this over and over and over.  Get these words all up in your mouth and tie them to your heart.

Sin will always betray you. It starves your joy and feeds your boredom. 

Stop facebook creeping. Listen clearly to me- you are teaching yourself to live in fake joy found by internet fantasies full of past memories and broken dreams. 

Women come unglued at men and porn.  Ladies, your facebook account is often far worse than a dudes porn.  The damage you do clicking away viewing whatever and continually letting your heart mull over others lives is sin.   

The whole world might call you up and ask if you’ve seen whatever latest tweet and the answer you need is – NO. 

You need people who don’t go look on facebook pages and report back to you- really, stop casually asking another person to sin for you on facebook. 

Unfollow. Defriend. Shut your accounts down if necessary. 

Choose silence.  It’s ok to not call, not text, no emails and just flat out come to a place to not care anymore.   

Some of us need to cast a ton of energy towards simply learning to stop caring.   

Sure, you can care in a sense of Jesus take over and wish well on them but it’s not your place to rush in and serve one last time when short volunteers or answer the phone if the boy is sick, lonely or broke.   

Your time is over for many things you used to do- that’s called forward motion. 

Stop gossiping about every detail.  Your gossip is sin and continually feeds your boredom and leads you to a place of hopelessness in the end.  Gossip looks good and makes you feel great at the dinner table telling one last jab about who and whatever, but hours later robs you.   

Gossip kills. Going around retelling the past leaves you in your former ways and continually choosing bitterness and not forgiveness.

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