April 15, 2013

Dear Pink, I am BROKEN, not bent.

I have heard this song by Pink about 100 times in my car driving around America.  I really loved it, and in so many ways I was singing it as through it was healing to my soul—“Right from the start, you were a thief, you stole my heart”…. It’s like this months banner of revenge we are all singing to the ones we used to love. Can I get a YES or AMEN from my brokenhearted readers?

The lyrics ring so true to anyone who has had their heart ripped out of them.  I think that’s probably why it’s on the radio.  But sitting at a stop light in the pouring rain at 7:30am and coffee in hand, I listened to it so loud and so stinkin’ clear.  It was as though I finally HEARD the song, there in that moment.   

“It's been written in the scars on our hearts
We're not broken just bent
And we can learn to love again”

Yes, “It’s been written on the scars of our hearts”- the enemy loves to come and tell us lies of how our past always will remain and linger.  The enemy knows how to keep us there, in sin.  But that’s just not how I want my story to end and it sure is not the end of the gospel I place all hope and peace in.  I know there is more.  I know that the God of all creation, the same God who loves me dearly, He heals the scars.  He heals so those scars don’t hold anything apart from a reminder of the promises of His grace over my life.  He heals so there are no loose stitches ready for breakage across the wounds of my heart. 

Recently sitting in community group, in Qdoba and in the strangest places that my days lead me I have heard the same thing over and over the past few weeks.  The same message ringing so loud and so stinkin’ clear. 

We cannot love without Jesus.

It seems so simple. It seems like such a church answer and common sense.  My bent self in no ways can learn to love again.  I don’t need to be bent back to normal just to love again.  I need to be broken so my God can mend the break.  It is a good thing to just be BROKEN.  And what a fool I would be to think I was simply “bent”. 

I like to think I am just bent, not broken.  I like to try and mend my own breaks and bend back to normal so I can love again.... but no,  I am broken and that’s the best possible state of being I can be. 

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