September 26, 2012

Mender of the Break.

This girl I know, well I don’t really "know" her- we “know” each other in the sense that we have mutual friends and have traveled far far away from home to a place where our hearts became tied around the same continent.  And it seems as though all of “us” whose hearts are tied to Africa, just “know” each other. 

Her facebook this morning said this: “Just heard someone refer to God as "Mender of the break." I. Love. Him.”

Yes. Please. “ Mender of the break”  

I nearly wept driving with two girls in my car on the way to their school.  If only you knew their story- if only you understood why I am the one driving them to school each morning.  You would be behind the wheel with big tears in your eyes minutes after reading “Just heard someone refer to God as "Mender of the break." I. Love. Him.”  

Its like something inside me lit up- HE is going to mend THIS brokenness too, the broken hearts in my car.  Two girls from India, whose parents are separated, death, illness and complete darkness- really their story would blow you away.  But, my God is the Mender of the break.  

mend.  (mend) v. mend·ed, mend·ing, mends
1. To make repairs or restoration to; fix.
2. To reform or correct: mend one's ways.
a. To improve in health or condition: The patient is mending well.
b. To heal: The bone mended in a month.
2. To make repairs or corrections.
1. The act of mending: did a neat mend on the sock.
2. A mended place: You can't tell where the mend is.

"A mended place: You can't tell where the mend is"  --- I can't get over that.  I can't process how our God creates a mended place- one where brokenness is so soothed over, its made whole.  But, so deeply I know that He does just that- Mend to the point of complete restoration.  

I know as I drive 2 beautiful girls who have more dreams than stars in the sky- that this break, this darkness Jesus is going to mend it all. I watch two girls giggle and sing Taylor Swift in my car and trust that God is mending this break.  I listen to two girls tell me about test and homework and know that with the absence of their mother, God is there in complete loneliness, mending.  He is there in the making of their own lunches and the empty chair at the breakfast table each morning, constantly mending. My God is mending when tears flow and it hurts to get out of my car and walk into school that day.  He is always present and making mends. In their hurt and frustrations- he is mending.  They are young, smart, innocent, so damaged by others sin, but being mended.

They are the kind of girls who have a great big story of how their God mended the break.  A mending that one day you will no longer see the break.   

The Mender of the Break. I. Love. Him.

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