January 2, 2013

Passion 2013: This time around we are the sent.

I sat and heard Louie teach on it. I’ve been to the GWCC and I’ve experienced a true and living God.  I’ve walked the halls and wore the wristband for community group. 

It’s different this time around- Passion 2013 arrived, but it’s different. It happens and you graduate college and you no longer have the 6 week break from school but rather the 2 days off work for Christmas and then back to the “big girl job” you’ve landed.  The “big girl job” where your co-workers need the gospel.  The office where you need endlessly for the kingdom of God to come down.  The office cubical with dark skinned faced children's photos flooding the fabric grey walls.   

It looks so different but instead of filling one seat in the dome this year I fill the chair in my living room.  The live link turned up loud and home full with friends all around who too have graduated and have recently landed back here from Thailand, Cambodia and so on…. Myself from East Africa.

You see, this time around we are the ones Louie was talking about.  We are the ones who once filled the seat in the dome and are no longer tweeting #headedtothedome but rather tweeting ‘I’ve left the dome and Jesus did something radical in me and I have to go to the ends of the world and proclaim it’

You know we sit here in the living room being part with an internet connection that jumps from moment to moment and we are refilled, reminded, retaught.  We listen this round to how our God wants to do immeasurably more. And we know that immeasurably more is true and alive- and his name is Jesus.  We know that is what He does--He comes and meets us and restores and walks with us on red dirt roads in Africa and he sits with us in the office cubical with lost souls all around in America trusting God’s good and sovereign will over the graduated “big girl job” life he’s called us to in this season.

I have been in the door.  Many have held the door to the dome wide open and cheered us in.  Now, we stand on the outside saying- My God did something big and I know my dry bones are alive.  We stand and proclaim that we will do whatever it takes-- even working cubical office jobs-- if that's what it takes to have another flight back to the villages where the gospel needs proclaiming.   

I am thankful to be the sent which I heard about years ago.  Here I am.  Here WE are- the graduated with “big girl jobs” stoked out of our minds to walk the streets of Africa/ Cambodia/ foreign lands again but until that day, we rejoice and pray diligently for the ones in the cubical next to us who we have been sent to love even when we would rather be in villages far away. 

We choose gratefulness to be alive and well years after we sat in the GWCC and had our hearts irrupted.  We remember.  We sing again 'here is my heart Lord' because we know that whether in the dome, villages across seas or in our hometowns there is a gospel to be proclaimed.  We, the graduated with "big girl jobs" have been sent out this time around.  

What an honor.  

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Mel, this is sooooo great. Exactly what I wanted to articulate but your words did it!! What an honor indeed.