November 6, 2012

Mr. President.

Mr. President,

Congrats on your re-elect, or what Fox News tells me is your re-elect.  But, really I am a little confused at the injustice I see around me.  You have told me, and the world for that matter, you are FOR the end of poverty.  You have told me you know where your family is from and where your family lives.  You have walked the dirt roads of Kenya with the hand of your wife laced together in yours.  You have seen.  You have smelled.  You have probably even peed in a hole in the ground of a wretched outhouse.  Yes, me too. 

But Mr. President you just spent 6 billion dollars on this election. 6 Billion Dollars.  I don't know much- maybe I am missing the point.  But 760 million people are without safe drinking water.  I mean, do I need to tell you all the facts? The people of this world are hungry and dying.

You have seen the donkeys roaming the street and children running roadside with old tires.  You have seen the faces and stood in the slums.  You are now responsible Mr. President. You have seen.

Don't tell me you are FOR the end of poverty and act as though you don't care- I am from the show me state.... talk is meaningless to all of us. I know people scraping pennies together to adopt the fatherless on the other side of the globe.  I know the stories of death and the babies who shouldn't live past age 25 because of preventable diseases.  I have sat on the floor eating rice and eggs with the poorest women in the world.  I know.  I have been there, I have walked where you have and seen with my own two eyes the brokenness of this world. 

Happy election, and with all do respect, I genuinely hope the faces of orphan children haunt your dreams for the next 4 years.

With love,
Melanie Slates

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