September 6, 2012

Steve and Nora

It is American culture. Work, have kids and retire- somewhere warm and completely comfortable.  A place with good medical care and a sense of normalicy, cleanliness and peace everywhere you come or go.  It is what we have watched for generations.  High-rise societies with tennis, pools, shuffleboard and sectional living for age 55+. 

But they were so different.  The only thing similar to the American culture of the 55+ I see at home was the white skin we all had in the room that day.  The words coming out of their mouths were dripping, soaked, sopping with wisdom- Words I wanted so desperately to wrap and keep tied to my heart.  Truth I needed to hear again and truth that lathered the cracked, dry parts of my being.  Sometimes I gain wisdom from those with a grey crown- but rarely do I see that wisdom manifested into the actions of their own lives.  It is when I see weight behind peoples words that my heart begins to feel so at home- in a place like as if the kingdom of God, whole and perfect, pours out.

It was beautiful.  I sat in their home- in the middle of Africa. Dirt covered, trash piled, honking horns, chaos continually proceeding.  Their wisdom manifested into the flesh, the words they told me had weight. It was undeniable. 

They said to me "we cannot follow the culture of this world- it is the culture of the bible that must define our normalcy."  African culture believes prostitution is normal- but God's culture defines that as complete brokenness.  African culture has no sense of loving and nurturing a child- but scripture teaches love, compassion, the teaching and training up of a child. 

Mid 60s, now 70s they packed up and moved to the opposite ends of the earth.  It is so radical.  Our God calls us to go.  The gospel of Jesus is not one of comforts and complacency after age 55.  They so beautifullly desire to see the culture of scripture oooze through the brokenness from the people of Africa.  At age 70 they just arn't afraid to go, to be used, to follow the gospel with everything possible.  Reckless abandonment.  

And honestly, how convicting to see them give up all for the gospel after retirement.  To watch all comfort, peace and worldly security end even after decades of sacrifice in their 20s, 30s, 40s, etc.

And how comforting and what great truth they have shown me.  Until Jesus comes and re-establishes his kingdom or he takes me home- I am called to walk in the gospel, 21 or 71. And that means going- radically giving for the renewal of jaded culture and traditions in every corner of this globe. 

There is simply no age Jesus excuses you from the restoration of his people.

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