September 7, 2012

Dear Women.

Dear Women,

I sit in the doctor office waiting rooms and hear you talk how the ring your husband gave you isn't "good enough". I just don't understand, as a single, young girl who longs to be married, committed, serving one man for the rest of my life. I don't understand why now, years later is that ring not "good enough" what changed? Why was the ring good enough then, but not now?

Women- I sit in coffee houses and hear you talk how your husband should make more money so you can sip lattes and play tennis all day long.

Do you hear yourself? Do you know what you are telling me? Do you see what you have taught me as acceptable?

I have a few questions. I have some concerns.

A man loves and commits everything to you- but one day its ok to flippantly decide he's just not "good enough"??

It is acceptable to work none and assume all the money you want will be in the bank account on your demand??

Trash talking and comparing your husband to your friends husband is pleasing and entertaining? It's like a game- We should throw "girls night out" to really start the chatter bashing fun??

Women. You show me it's ok to complain non stop about how raising "his bad behaved children"  is really not what you wanted in life- but that's his fault. When in reality, who do your children spend their days with? When was the last time you were an intentional mother to them?

You nag because life doesn't look like a million dollars, fancy shoes and cocktail parties.

You teach me the man I one day marry is of no value and no one to respect, encourage, praise, thank, care for or love well.

You've done something terrible to me. I've watched. I've listened. To me, a young, single girl who longs to be loved, committed to and serve one man faithfully, forever- you've torn off the weight and beauty behind the calling of wife, mother, sister, daughter. 

I just wonder when I'm going to stop hearing you rat out your husbands latest failure during bible study, as though he needs a public mockery.  

I question how your baby girls will grow up and view men/ authority in their lives.

Dear women..... I love you.  I love who you are and these struggles- messy and broken.  I want to see you love and speak truth, hope, life into your husband.  I want to hear thankfulness for a man who works hours on end as the provider.  I want to know in every season of life you love that man unconditionally and he is more than "good enough".

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