June 13, 2012

Honesty Always Wins.

Honesty always wins.  Lets start with that.

For some time now I have gotten really good at tying my heart to people, things, places and ideas that are temporal.  Temporal lifestyles lead to mess and disaster.  Sometimes seasons in life are messy. My heart has been flung all over the place for days on end, seeking after a list of endless desires.
Its always best to be real and honest with people. Genuineness is better than most anything. Its time to return to what I know is truth.  There is no need for me to try and convince people that I am going to Malawi as the next big deal, or to save the world.  Jesus already saved the world.  I am not going to Africa to fix everything I see as misfit or with my own ideas and methodology. 

I am going to Africa to return to the gospel. To stop and refresh like a cool drink amidst sweat pouring down my face.  To embrace discomfort and unfamiliarity. To teach the gospel. To love. To serve with my own hands.  To see God in his people and land.  To be taught that possessions will never be valuable.  To be light. To give. To pray. To hope.  To be a completely heart-broken, 21 year old girl who is just trying to sort out the gospel in my own life.  

When: Leaving July 15th
Who: David, Rachel, Sean, myself and maybe Danielle. 
What: To teach the gospel in villages, break ground on a home for girls in sex trafficking, serve Jesus well.
Why: It is what I believe Jesus has called me to do, in this season- right now.

First, I hope each of you will join me and PRAY diligently.

Second, There is a huge amount of money to raise in a short amount of time.  You can GIVE by clicking the yellow "donate" button on the left side or contact me at: melslates@gmail.com

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